Monday, April 16, 2012

Capitalism: Pros and Cons

      Capitalism is the organization of society in such a way that the wealth and means of production are privately owned by capitalist. Like many other terms in society, there are pros and cons.
- People are in control of their own destiny
- They have a lot of freedom in society
-There is a lot of competition
- Inequality arises
- Increases competition
- Economy becomes more money-oriented
        Karl Marx believes that capitalism is the means of production. He believes that capitalism creates two competing classes, the bourgeoisie who owned and controlled the means of production and the proletariat who were the common workers who owned nothing but their right to sell their labor. It is also believed that the proletariat is going to being large and overthrow the bourgeoisie and end capitalism. I have not decided if I am a big fan of capitalism but I like the idea of it.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Globalization: A pro or a con???

Globalization is the system of interaction among the countries of the world in order to develop the global economy. Is it more of a benefit or is it more of a disadvantage? Here are some of the main pros and cons of globalization:

Pros of globalization:
·        Productivity grows more quickly
·        Innovative ideas are created
·        People start to see different cultures through the items traded
·        Better technology

Cons of globalization:
·        Countries start to lose their culture
·        High unemployment
·        More competition can rise which can lead to a war
·        Recession occurs
So as we can see, globalization affects us in both good and bad ways. Globalization has a bad effect on poor countries and it can cause those countries to become poorer because they are trying to be competitive with other countries. Maybe we shouldn’t see globalization as a good thing at all but it does have a lot of good things to contribute. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Positivist or Interactionist?

     Sociologists spend their time doing experiments and asking questions so that they get solve sociological issues. The question is which approach helps to get more reliable answers: positivist or interactionist? It is difficult to decide because they both contribute to helping sociologists. The positivist approach is based on statistics and limited questionnaires. This approach seems to be more reliable but what if the statistics aren't accurate? The interactionist approach goes more in-depth because of unstructured interviews. This approach can be seen as biased and unreliable because what if the person that you are interviewing isn't telling the truth? It is hard to decide which approach would be most helpful. They can both lead to false information. However, they are both helpful to sociologists. Which one do you think is most helpful? 

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Culture of Poverty

    Poverty is a common thing in this society. It is difficult to move up in society without the correct resources to do so. While doing some research on the culture of poverty, I came upon a statistic which stated that it is estimated that more than 35 million Americans live in poverty today (,articleId-26882.html). It then came to my mind that America isn't the only victim of poverty.
     In sociology, the word poverty is based on those who lack what is needed by most Americans to live decently because they earn less than half of the nation's median income (,articleId-26882.html). Culture of poverty is when nothing can be done to change someones economic outcomes. The people who have experienced this type of poverty tend to feel powerless and hopeless. As a result of this, people could end up homeless and stressed.

Popular Culture

       What do we think about when someone says "popular culture"? Some might say, "hmmm how did that come about?" Some would say that we are being controlled by the elite. Even though we might not see it, they have a strong power over us. An example would be like the mass looking up to the celebritiy figures. If a certain celebrity was to do a certain hairstyle or wear a certain type of clothing, we would try to do the same hairstyle or wear the same clothes as that celebrity. We almost look up to them as a role model and as a leader.
      The mass media also control our popular culture. Mass media influences our population through music, television, movies, magazines, etc. The mass media gives us a sense of what is important and what isnt. It also has an influence on gender roles. This means that it determines how a male/female should  act as in how they speak and the roles they have in society. It is evident that the media has control over our culture. They influence many things that helps to shape our society.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Symbolic Interactionism

    Symbolic interactionism is a social psychological theory developed by Herbert Blumer. According to Blumer, the three important priniciples of this theory revolves around meaning, language, and thought. Symbolic interactionism is saying that society gives you a role and you decide whether or not to accept it. Charles Cooley looks at symbolic interactionism as a “looking glass self” which means that we see ourselves to be a reflection of other peoples judgement and that our self-concepts are created in “primary groups”. George Mead on the other hand, believes that humans act to situations based on their meaning of the situation. It is said that by interacting with others, we develop a sense of self.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Function in society

Sorry, my blog is really late but I think that the functionalism theory does a better job at explaining how society continues to operate. I think that we all do have a function in society and with everyone having a certain function,society is able to function and meet the needs/goals that society needs to survive. Mrs. Basi gave us the example that her function in
society is being a teacher and a mother. By being a teacher, she is able to teach us and by being a mother, she is able to take care of her son. Without this order in society, there would not be as much order as we have with everyone having their specific function.