Sunday, October 23, 2011


     I am so happy right now! Someone finally understands that we need blue tape to learn! Blue tape is the best tape ever. It’s so blue and pretty. It is also the same color of our school (yes! blue tape shows school spirit!). No one understands how excited I am about blue tape. Every time I go into class and I see blue tape, I feel like I am learning something. I had the worst experience ever. I went into my second block class and *gasp!* there was GREEN TAPE on the board. I WENT CRAZY! It was so hard for me to look on the board. I tried so hard to pay attention but it broke my heart. I don’t know if Im the only one who feels this way but without blue tape I don’t know what I would do!

      Okay let me step back into reality. Yeah, Yeah I understand that blue tape would help us to see the board more clearly because everything on the board will be more organized BUT we are high school students. We as high school students should know how to see what work is ours and what work isn’t. Also, I am pretty sure that High School teachers know how to make things organized on the board without blue tape. For example, they could us different color markers for different classes. We have four blocks. It should be easy to organize the board without blue tape. If a school has seven classes, yes then maybe I would agree that they would need blue tape because it would be a hot mess on the board. The most ridiculous thing that I ever heard is that there will only be ONE blue tape for everyone to use in school. What in the world were they thinking? Blue tape is not a necessity.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Goth Subculture

Subculture is a distinctive way of life within the wider culture in society. There are many types of subcultures such as male and female subculture, ethnic minority subcultures, and youth subcultures, etc. Being that I am a teenager, I am more interested in the youth subcultures. In class we spoke about the Goth subculture. I found it pretty interesting. I realized that the media didn’t like the Goth subculture because of an incident that happened at Columbine High School in 1999. Apparently two students, who claimed that they were “Goth”, went to school and shot a lot of students, teachers, and staff. The media then came to the conclusion that the cause for the actions that took place was the music, video games, bulling, and the Goth subculture. From this event, the Goth subculture was looked on as bad and evil. Each Goth has their way of what Goth really is. I personally believe that Goth’s aren’t evil people. Just because they dress and act different from other people doesn’t mean that they are evil. They have the right to be different from everyone else. Being gothic is probably the way they choose to show who they are and the things that they like. They really shouldn’t be judged based on two boys who decided to make the wrong choice. Don’t judge people until you get to know them for who they are.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Suicide is NEVER the answer

         Suicide should never be an option to solving all the problems that life brings. There are many causes of suicide. For example, a death of a loved one, a divorce or separation in a relationship, a terminal illness, intense emotional pain, feeling that things will never get better, abuse (sexual, verbal, or physical), bulling, low self esteem, and feeling like a failure. With these aspects, individuals start to feel like they do not belong. This is a bad mentality to have because it can cause someone to commit suicide.
         There are ways that someone can save a person from committing suicide. First identify a person who is suicidal by observing warning signs such as appearing depressed or sad most of the time, talking about death, observing change in sleeping and eating habits, poor performance at work or school, withdrawal from friends or family, and acting recklessly. After these habits are recognized, it is time to take action. Comfort that person by letting them know that they are not alone. Let them know how hurt they would make their families and friends. Listen to what they have to say. Let them know that things will get better. Show them that suicide has no benefits. Seek help from professionals. Step up and save someone’s life! Suicide is not a joke. Know that someone is always there to listen. Life is too precious. Suicide is NEVER the answer.